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Each of our dogs is unique and has different interests, or events they seem to excel at. Trying new sports and performance events as they are offered, allow us to see what our dogs really love to do, and when they are having fun, so are we! Amanda typically does the 'extra curricular' events, outside of conformation, and the girls absolutely love the different things we try. We have done Trick Dog Workshops with Kyra Sundance (Do More With Your Dog), and Amanda is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor. Both Zivah and Raevyn have their Intermediate Trick Dog Titles, and we are setting aside some time to work toward their Advanced titles, and Lexie is almost done the requirements for her Novice title as well. 


While our main focus is in conformation most weekends, we have really aimed to provide the opportunity for our dogs to become well rounded, and try to focus on their interests. We have tried Dock Diving with both Bailey and Raevyn, and plan to continue having fun, if only for extra swimming time for them, as they both love to swim. Raevyn seems to be our most versatile girl, loving everything from Conformation to swimming to Barn Hunt, Lure Coursing, and just general silliness. Zivah has done exceptionally well in Rally Obedience, and has her Rally Excellent level title, and also her CD. We have also dabbled in some agility with Zivah, taking part in a performance team event in Toronto, and even some classes, which she seems to love and do well at. 


Zivah is also a Certified Therapy Dog, however I have let her membership lapse since we are just too busy doing other things at the momeont. Our focus seems to have been on Barn Hunt for the last little bit. Zivah has her Instinct test in this, Keely wasn't too keen on the rat, Danté hasn't quite figured out that bales of straw are not for peeing on (that's an automatic disqualification), but Raevyn is working toward her Senior title at the moment. She LOVES Barn Hunt, and it really is the most fun you will ever have, even when you don't qualify! The joy of watching the dogs do something that they love, is something that makes everything all worthwhile. 



Coursing Ability

Rally &


​So you want a puppy?

Introducing a puppy to your family is one of the biggest decisions you can make. We are here to help you understand all that is involved, and making sure the Keeshond is the right breed for your family, before you get one. 

Spay and Neuter Information

Trust is of paramount importance when placing our puppies. We trust that our families are responsible, and will honour our Non-Breeding agreements and contracts. We are advocates for later spay/neuter.

Vaccination Protocol

We want was is best for our puppies, and that includes helping them stay safe from infectious diseases. It also means being an advocate for vaccinations and treatments that are helpful versus harmful. 

Training Links

Training is a lifelong endeavour with your Keeshond, well past the initial puppy stage. From trick work to obedience to being a polite dog to live with, we offer some tips and links to help you. 

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